Take shots like a pro - even if you don’t have a pro camera!

Here are a few little inside tips to help you get some presentable shots of your little home.

Hi, I’m Lisa the founder of this site GrannyFlat Rental and owner of a granny flat for rent. When I was working in a real estate office, one day there was a need for some good shots of a property with no pro around. So, I pulled out my small point and shoot camera and gave it a go. Next a few small photography courses later, some of my realty shots were even featured on the front page of the realty section of the local paper. If I can do it so can you!

These are my following tips that should help you.

  1. Preparing your property before the shoot is so important. Have it clean, including windows and mirrors, try and declutter surfaces and floors. Make the beds, and please put down the toilet seat! Try and avoid at all costs seeing your reflection in the bathroom mirror, crouch below when shooting, or stand in the corner. You can even create a holiday feel with some glasses and a cheese platter on a dining or coffee table, or place a bowl of limes out. Adding some flowers will also make it homely. Remove personal photographs so people can feel like it will be their home. Furnished homes look better so even if offering unfurnished, placing furniture in for the photoshoot will help sell the property to prospect tenants. Turn all the lights and lamps on. Open doors to create space. Make sure the outside lawn or garden beds, courtyards and decks are cut and clear of debris or leaves. 
  2. Most important tip is to photograph landscape, this means if using a phone it is on it’s side. If you have a camera it is straight point and shoot no need on its side. Most sites are built to show the pictures best landscape.
  3. Take the interior photos from head or shoulder height. With the sun behind you if possible. Going right in the corner to get the whole room, then try some straight on shots. If you want to go one step further like a pro, with a tripod, the combination of two photos is the secret to making your own photo look like a professional realty photographer took it, see our tip below *Exposure Tip.
  4. Take the exterior photos at two times of the day. One at sunset and one when the sun is bright and behind you. This way you can show the property in both great lightings.
  5.  Avoid shooting too wide angle which has been a trend in realty. Create a scene you can picture yourself in.
  6. Realty shots can be very stark so consider taking a few creative, home magazine style shots too. These are especially good if you are leaving the property furnished for short term rental or holiday letting.     

  7. When downloading the pics, if the photo has a yellow tinge you can fix this in post edit, just google ‘how to fix the white balance on my photo’.                                                                                                                                        

Finally if you would just prefer to have a professional take the shots we can send someone to you, after all it is your asset and once you have paid the fee you can use the shots over and over again. We did this for our granny flat even with all my knowledge and it was worth it! Good luck let us know how you go.

*Exposure Tip - Using a tripod and keeping the camera stationary between two shots. First, take an over exposure photo where the outside appears almost white and the inside is the right exposure. Secondly, do the reverse and set the exposure to the outside greenery and the inside will be very dark. You can then use an App or Photoshop to merge the photos, or we can arrange this for you for a fee, or send a photographer over contact us through our contact form or on service@grannyflatrental.com  

Author and posted by Lisa de Ruyter

Please contact us if we can help further or visit us @ FaceBook @grannyflatrental Connect with us on instagram

Disclaimer: Any information is of general help & not deemed as legal or financial advice. GrannyFlatRental.com.au Pty Ltd is not held responsible for any compensation from this general help.